You can approve time sheets a four different ways in Workforce TNA:

1) Approve a single day for a single employee

2) Approve a single day for a group of employees

3) Approve a pay period for a single employee

4) Approve a pay period for a group of employees

Once data has been approved it cannot be edited or changed, unless it is first un-approved.  Workforce TNA tracks all approvals and un-approvals in the Audit Report.  Typically Supervisor user logins have the ability to Approve time sheets, but not Un-approve.  Payroll/Finance user logins typically can Un-approve if required and the pay-run has not been completed. Time sheet data not approved will flag when the Payroll Export is created, though still allows export.

1) Approve a single day for a single employee

The green tick icon on the right of any time sheet view allows the user to approve a single day for the employee showing.  

Once the day has been approved then it will change colour and then you'll only see an un-approve option if your user login allows for that option.

Un-approved day:

Approved day:

To un-approve a single day, click the red X icon for that day if your user login allows for it.  If not, contact your payroll officer.

2) Approve a single day for a group of employees

The Approve Timesheets green button at the bottom of the Daily Time Sheet view allows the user to approve the single day for the group of employees showing for that day.

The Unapprove All Timesheets orange button at the bottom of Daily Time Sheet view allows the user to un-approve the single day for the group of employees showing for that day, if their user login allows it.

3) Approve a pay period for a single employee

The Approve Timesheets green button at the bottom of the Pay Period Time Sheet view allows the user to approve the pay period for the employee selected.

The Unapprove All Timesheets orange button at the bottom of Pay Period Time Sheet view allows the user to un-approve the pay period showing for that employee selected, if their user login allows it.

4) Approve a pay period for a group of employees

To approve an entire pay period for a group of employees, first go to Reports > Payroll Summary Report:

We recommend running this report for the correct groups of employees and pay period required to first of all check all total work hours for your employees.  Add your selection criteria and then click Load to view the Payroll Summary Report.

When you are ready to approve your pay period for a group of employees click the white Approve/Unapprove button.  This will take you to the Payroll Approval Report:

Your selection criteria will carry forward from the Payroll Summary Report.  You can now click the green Approve Time Sheets button, this will approve all the selected employees for the pay period showing.  The result of the approval process will then show in a report below, showing each employee approval status per day in the pay period.