RDO Settings:
RDO Settings allows you to configure how any RDO/TOIL/TIL will calculate on this Daily Rule if applicable. RDO option needs to first be enabled in System Settings > General.
Expected Standard Hours:
This is the value of Base/Ordinary hours that need to be worked first before time will be calculated to RDO/TOIL/TIL. Enter this value in hours:minutes.
Expected RDO Earnt:
This is the value of TDO/TOIL/TIL that is expected to be accrued on a certain day. If there is no limit to the value then leave at 00:00. Typically RDO calculations will have a value here, whereas TOIL/TIL will typically be 00:00.
Cap Hours for Expected RDO Earnt:
Use this value to cap the value of RDO/TOIL/TIL that is Expected to be Earnt. Typically RDO calculations will be capped to a value whereas TOIL/TIL calculations typically have no cap.
Assign time to RDO Earnt (applicable if RDO Expected Standard Hours is 0):
This is used if the employee works a certain day and all the time worked turns to RDO.