Timesheets Icon


After clicking on the Timesheets Icon, choose the name of the employee by clicking on their name from the list >>>

Alternately, right-clicking an employee's name from the list brings up a list of choices like this:

This screen shows the timesheet for an employee along with the hours the system has calculated based on their Daily Rules for rounding, breaks and overtime.

NOTE: The Timesheet can only show clocking details that have been downloaded from the clock or entered at the PC. 

(To see how to download from the clocking device, see Focus - Times, Download )


The Focus software user can generally edit the clocking times, the hours calculated and change the selected Daily Rule, providing they have access rights as set up on the User Setup screen. 

(To see how to Add or Edit a Focus software User, see Focus - System Setup, Set Up Users. NOTE: This is different from adding or editing an employee. To see how to add a new employee, seFocus - Employees )

The Timesheet displays up to 2 pairs of clockings per line. If more than 2 pairs are present on a particular days, extra lines are added to the display to accommodate them. Figures that have been edited at the PC are shown in Blue. 

The far right column of the Timesheet indicates the Daily Rule that has been allocated to the clockings by the system.

(To see how to set up Daily Rules, see Focus - Schedules, Daily Rules - Create New Rule )


FOCUS Pro is limited to 6 columns on the Timesheets which means 6 Rates of Pay. 

However, FOCUS Enterprise can support up to 40 columns and Rates.

The Weekly Hours figures towards the bottom of the Timesheet are the sum of the hours for all the days in the week.

The Weekly Rules are then applied using the Weekly Limits/Targets and Clawback settings to produce the row of figures named 'Weekly Rules Applied'. (To see how to create Weekly Rules, see Focus - Schedules, Weekly Rules )

In the example above, no overtime is paid until 40 hours of Basic have been worked.

Since only 31.93 Basic hours were worked for the week, the 4.42 OT hours were re-allocated to Basic, making the total 36.35 hours.

Hours worked totals can be displayed in either time format - hours and minutes (hh:mm) or in decimal format (hh.dd), depending on how the Hours Format is set in the System - Setup - General tab. (See Focus - System Setup, General Tab )

This is usually a matter of display preference and will not affect the format of your payroll export.

However, for the sake of consistency and simplicity, it is recommended that the formats be the same.

Clocking times - i.e. IN & OUT times - are always displayed in hh:mm format since they are time of day, and not hours worked.

Editing Timesheets: Whenever you display a timesheet for a particular person for a  particular week, the hourly totals in each column are calculated based on current downloaded (or manually entered) clockings, and the calculations done by the Daily Rules. This allows you to make changes and observe the results.

To manually edit a clocking:

  1. Click on the clocking time.
    An editing pop-up window will appear.
    This will enable you to edit the clocking time,
    as well as change whether the clocking was
    In or Out by using the Radio buttons

    HINT: The cursor position defaults to the New Time field.
    So, there is no need to click on any part of the pop-up before you type in the new clocking time - simply start typing.
    All clockings must have 4 digits and are usually in 24-hour format.
    So, to make the new time 8:00am, simply type 0800 with no : or space.
    To change the time to 4:00pm, type 1600.

    Click Save or hit Enter.

  2.  It is also recommended to add a comment for most, if not all, manual entries. (See the Comment field highlighted above in green)
    NOTE: The text in the Comment field is visible on the Timesheet when the cursor is 'hovered' over the new clocking
    It appears in the white field at the bottom of the Timesheet like this >>>

    REMEMBER: If employees have online access to their timesheets,
    they will also be able to see the Comment, as will all other Focus users with
    access to this particular Timesheet.


(For more detailed instructions on editing Timesheets, see Focus - Times, Timesheet Editing )

Locking (Approving) Timesheets: Once a timesheet has been checked and all editing finalised, it is ready to be locked (approved) for payroll. To lock the Timesheet, click on the Lock Icon at the top of the Timesheet window >>>

It will change to the Locked position >>>

NOTE: Usual practice is for limited Users to have permission to unlock timesheets.
Generally, this is reserved for Finance and Payroll Users.
Other Users will need to request a timesheet to be unlocked before any further changes can be made by them.

CAUTION: Any changes that have been made to Daily Rules, Work Schedules or other System Settings may irreversibly alter system-generated entries on the timesheet once it's unlocked. Hence, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to take a copy of the timesheet (screenshot or print out) before unlocking it, so that anything that alters can be changed back.
However, any manual entries on the timesheets will be unaffected.

As part of the Payroll process, timesheets should be locked so they maintain a true picture of their calculations which went towards payroll.

HINT: If 'Allow Lock with Timesheet Exceptions' is unchecked, 
it will not be possible to lock the Timesheet if any of the numbers are red.

Red entries on the Timesheets indicate an Exception has been flagged.


From Focus v3.169 onwards, multi-tiered timesheet approval is possible. 
(See Focus - Times, Multi-tier Timesheet Approval for more details)

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