To make sure you're ready to export from WorkforceTNA to Micro pay via our Paysync API or the standard flat file export you're going to need to make some adjustments in Workforce.

The first step would be to check the version your Workforce is currently on.

This can be done by checking the version on the login page or by scrolling down to the bottom of the web page and checking the version number, as long as it exceeds 11.1 all options will be available if your version number is below 11.1 contact our support team and we'll assist with the update for you.

Once you've checked your Workforce version you're going to need to go to System -> Payroll Settings.

Make sure the check box located to the left of Include Leave Reasons is Enabled.

Once you've enabled the check box scroll to the bottom of the web page and select Save Payroll Settings.

From there you will need to go to Shift Setup > Leave and go through each individual leave code that you send to Micro pay and insert the Leave Type Value into the Payroll Code field so it is sent to Micro pay as the Leave Reason as well.

Once you've done that you're now ready to export to Micro pay.

If you have any questions with the above please contact Support on 1300 309 339 or email [email protected]
Thank you.