
We can Schedule any of our standard Reports to be emailed out to select User Roles in either PDF or Excel format along with the Frequency at which Users will receive these Reports.

Scheduled Reports also have varying Report Criteria, depending on the type of Report you are configuring.


In the example screenshots below we are configuring a Timesheet Summary Report in PDF format to be sent out Weekly every Monday at 04:00 am to our Support and Payroll Managers ready for them to check when they arrive at the office.


Note - A valid Workforce Licence is required for the Scheduled Reports functionality, if they ever stop working unexpectedly please check that your Licence is currently up to date in Workforce by navigating to System Settings> Licence. There will be a banner along the top stating Invalid Licence if so.

The Licence will auto-update within Workforce providing your annual billing is up-to-date.





Report Details;

Select the Report Type, Description (will show on the email Users receive), and the Export Format.





Report Runtime and Frequency;

Select the Frequency at which you want the Report to be sent to Users - Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, or Monthly as well as the Time and Day you want the Report to be Emailed - The Day/Date configuration changes depending on the Frequency selected.



Roles which will receive the report;

Select the User Roles that you want to receive this Report - The Report will send data relevant to the User Role permissions that have been configured.

For more information on how to configure User Roles please click here - Helpdesk : Aussie Time Sheets


Report Criteria -

Configure your preferred Sort By and Report Criteria options - Sort By is standard for ALL Reports, however, the Report Criteria options vary depending on the Report Type.